Permanent Academic Staff
- Cid Iglesias, María Begoña (Secretary and Quality Coordinator)
- García Rivera, Matías
- González Salgado, Diego (Substitute)
- Lorenzo González, Mª Nieves (Director)
- Ulloa Sande, Carlos (Deputy Director)
Non-permanent Academic Staff
- García Luis, Uxía (Deputy Director)
- Orgeira Crespo, Pedro
- Álvarez González, David (Substitute)
Degrees Coordination
- Navarro Medina, Fermín (Bachelor’s Degrees Coordinator)
- González Jorge, Higinio (MSANT Degrees Coordinator)
- Martín Ortega, Elena Beatriz (MUEA Coordinator)
Equality Liaison Officer
Centre administrator
- Joga Lasala, Mª del Pilar
- Lapido Sampedro, Uxía
- Moledo Paredes, Miguel
- Martínez Alonso, Gálata (Substitute)
Representative of the Alumni
- Casanova Álvarez, Marco
Administrative and Service Staff
- Iglesias Gómez, Montserrat
- Expósito González, Benedicta (Substitute)
Representative of the society
- Escolano Sánchez, Ricardo