The specialisations for the Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering are the following:

Aircraft specialisation

This module of 66 ECTS credits covers the competences of the Aircraft specific technology block described in the order CIN/308/2009. Students must take this block if they are willing to take the Aircraft specialisation, being therefore compulsory the subjects that are in this block to obtain the specialisation, even if these are optional subjects.

Complementary subjects to the specialisation
This module is composed of 12 ECTS credits structured in 2 subjects of 6 ECTS credits each and which are complementary to the block of Specialisation in Aircraft. As with the previous block, students must take this block if they are willing to take the Aircraft specialisation, being therefore compulsory the subjects that are in this block to obtain the specialisation, even if these are optional subjects.

Subject ECTS Type Year Term.
Solid Mechanics and Aerospace Structures 9 OP 3rd 1st
Fluid Mechanics II and CFD 9 OP 3rd 1st
Mechanics of Flight 6 OP 4th 1st
Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity 9 OP 3rd 2nd
Mechanical Design, FEM and Vibrations 9 OP 3rd 2nd
Fixed-wing and Rotary Wing Aircrafts 9 OP 4th 1st
Space Vehicles 6 OP 3rd 2nd
Maintenance and Certification of Aerospace Vehicles 9 OP 4th 1st
Air-jet and Aeronautic Alternative Engines
(complementary subject)
6 OP 3rd 1st
Systems Engineering and Aerospace Communications
(complementary subject)
6 OP 3rd 2nd

Specialisation in Aerospace Equipments and Materials

This module of 66 ECTS credits covers the competences of the Aerospace Equipments and Materials specific technology block described in the order CIN/308/2009. Students must take this block if they are willing to take the Aerospace Equipments and Materials specialisation, being therefore compulsory the subjects that are in this block to obtain the specialisation, even if these are optional subjects.

Complementary subjects to the specialisation
This module is composed of 24 ECTS credits structured in 3 subjects of 6 ECTS credits each and which are complementary to the block of Aerospace Equipments and Materials. As in the previous block, students must take this block if they are willing to take the Aerospace Equipments and Materials specialisation, being therefore compulsory the subjects that are in this block to obtain the specialisation, even if these are optional subjects.

Subject ECTS Type Year Term
Solid Mechanics and Aerospace Structures 9 OP 3rd 1st
Fluid Mechanics II and CFD 9 OP 3rd 1st
Mechanics of Flight 6 OP 4th 1st
Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity 9 OP 3rd 2nd
Aerospace Alloys and Compound Materials 9 OP 3rd 2nd
Control and Optimisation 6 OP 4th 1st
Analytic and Orbital Mechanics 6 OP 3rd 2nd
Propulsion Systems 6 OP 4th 1st
Aerospace Vehicles 6 OP 4th 1st
Numerical Calculation
(complementary subject)
6 OP 3rd 1st
Systems Engineering and Aerospace Communications
(complementary subject)
6 OP 3rd 2nd


To obtain this Bachelor’s Degree student must pass all the compulsory modules (basic education, shared with the aeronautics branch, optional subjects of one of the specialisations and the Bachelor’s Degree Final Project). They must also achieve the 240 ECTS credits, so they must take 18 credits ECTS on the offered optional subjects or develop the external internships offered as an alternative.

The University will provide the necessary tools for students to choose one of the specialisations corresponding to one of the specific technologies offered. It will be possible to change the specialisation with a written request to the Centre Director, who can authorise it or not. The authorisation of the specialisation change will mean that the student, to achieve the Bachelor’s Degree, must take all the subjects corresponding to the new specialisation specific technologies and the complementary subjects in this specialisation.