This Master’s Degree contemplates the realization of a total of 60 credits ECTS, of which 24 ECTS are mandatory and 18 ECTS are optional. Part of the subjects will be taught in Lugo (USC) and they will be applied-oriented, while another part will be taught in Ourense (UVigo) and they will focus on systems engineering. The theoretical contents can be followed in person or online. In addition, 9 ECTS credits will consist in a mandatory external internship and 9 ECTS credits will correspond to a master thesis.

The structure of the master is designed so that it can be compatible with the professional activity.

Study plan structure

University Subject ECTS Type
UVigo Fundamentals of unmanned aerial systems 6 CO
USC Operations, legislation and certification 6 CO
UVigo Aerodynamic, flight mechanics and propulsion 6 CO
UVigo Observation systems 6 CO

University Subject ECTS Specialty
USC Data analysis methods 6 Applications
USC Applications in agroforestry and environment 6 Applications
USC Aplications in engineering and architecture 6 Applications
UVigo Control systems 6 Systems Engineering
UVigo Navigation and communication systems 6 Systems Engineering
UVigo Development of critical software 6 Systems Engineering

University Subject ECTS Type
Both External interships 9 CO
Both Master’s Degree Final Project 9 CO