Programme Call Opening Closing
Erasmus+ Study
Closed call
First call 24/11/2023 14/12/2023
Erasmus+ Internships
Closed call
Third call 01/09/2023 30/09/2023
Closed call
Only call 03/11/2023 02/12/2023
Closed call
2º plazo 01/06/2024 30/06/2024
Mobility grants UVigo
Closed call
Only call 17/05/2023 12/06/2023
Free mobility
Open call
Only call 01/01/2024 31/12/2024

Erasmus+ Study

The programme Erasmus+ enables students to spent a study period (a term or the whole year) in another European university with which the corresponding agreement has been signed, with a total recognition of the studies conducted..

Before going abroad, the learning agreement must be filled. This document, which must be passed and evaluated by the mobility coordinators in the origin and destination centres, established which of the subjects carried out in the destination university will be recognised.

See the Call

Erasmus+ Internships

The programme Erasmus+ Internships offers at least 65 places for an internship period (from 2 to 12 months) in companies, higher education centres, research centres and other organizations in other European countries.

See the Call


The ISEP programme allows students from the last years of the Bachelor’s Degree (3rd or 4th year) or Master’s Degree and PhD students from the University of Vigo to spent a whole year (from August to May) or a term (August to December or January to May/June) in one of the more than 150 USA universities, in one of the broad range of study programmes.

See the Call


La Oficina de Relaciones Intemacionales (en adelante ORI) de la Universidad de Vigo participa en el programa de intercambio con el GE4 para las escuelas de ingeniería, dentro del acuerdo existente entre ambas instituciones. El GE4 es una asociación que tiene como objetivo promover los intercambios de excelencia de estudiantes y docentes en el ámbito de la ingeniería.

Los intercambios se efectúan en régimen de reciprocidad con las distintas universidades que forman la red GE4. En esta convocatoria se ofertan 3 plazas cuatrimestrales para el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2019-20. La Universidad de Vigo recibirá al mismo tiempo un grupo de estudiantes de las universidades del GE4 que cursarán parte de sus estudios en los centros de la Universidade de Vigo.

See the Call

Mobility grants UVigo

The University of Vigo, within its international mobility programme, finances through internal exchange grants study stays (for a term of a whole year) in different universities worldwide, depending on the corresponding agreements.

See the Call

Free mobility

The University of Vigo allows to carry out an international mobility initiative depending on the students, out of the official exchange programmes. In this cases, a temporal academic stay can be performed in a foreign university studying an educational programme congruent with a degree in the University of Vigo, without needing a mobility place in an official exchange programme.

The educational programme must be approved previously by the mobility coordinator of the centre. In the case of Bachelor’s Degree students they must have passed at least 60 ECTs before begging the stay.

Study proposal
Stay Certificate

See the Call