Understood as assessment by compensation (CA) the mechanism by which the academic track record and the work done by a student at the end of their studies are assessed together to determine whether they have attained sufficient knowledge and skills to obtain the academic qualification for which they are applying, by offsetting materials which have not been overtaken.

Requirements for admissibility of applications

The student may apply for a compensatory assessment if he or she meets the following requirements:

  1. At least 50% of the credits in the degree have been taken at the University of Vigo.
  2. Leaving a maximum of two subjects for graduation, not exceeding 12 credits each, except the TFG.
  3. The student has exhausted in the subject(s) in the (s) that the CA requests at least four assessment opportunities in the last three years, and has taken any of the available opportunities in the academic year for which he/she is applying (except that you are no longer able to attend because of your enrolment in a curriculum which is being phased out).
  4. The qualification obtained was not less than 2 or not evaluated in any of the four opportunities.


Limitations of compensation assessment

  1. No compensation is payable for final work, practical and practical training or course subjects from the course of adaptation to grade (bridging course).
  2. The maximum number of credits that may be awarded per assessment for compensation in the student’s academic life shall be 12.
  3. The CA may not be granted to a student who is not enrolled in the subject(s) to be compensated at the time of applying for the CA, except that the (s) subject(s) is (n) totally extinguished (s).
  4. The subjects covered by this programme may not be recognised in other degrees of the University of Vigo, nor between degrees which are part of academic programmes of simultaneous dual degree courses with a specific pathway (PCEO). In this case, the CA may only be applied for in subjects of one degree which are not recognized in the other degree which is part of the joint plan.
  5. The AC may not be granted to a student/a student who has been found to have had some serious sanction in his/her academic record.


Criteria for the assessment by compensation

  1. The qualification shall be granted automatically by compensation of the requested(s) matter(s) after verification that all requirements of Article 49, and the limitations of Article 50 have been met, and provided that the student is in at least one of the following situations:
    • Who obtained at least once a qualification equal to or higher than 4 or an average of more than 3.5 between the two best qualifications in the (the) subject(s) to be compensated.
    • The average of his or her record is equal to or higher than the average grade obtained at his or her last full-right teaching promotion.
  2. If the applicant does not fall into any of these cases, but meets all the requirements of article 49, the application shall be admissible for the assessment of the clearing commission.
  3. The compensation commission shall assess the applicant’s/her overall academic record and, in particular, in the subject(s) being compensated and in related subjects (if any), and will analyse any additional information it deems appropriate to ensure that the student has attained the qualifications required for the degree. The commission may ask the(s)/teacher(s) responsible(s) for the (s) subject(s) to produce a report containing considerations relating to all activities carried out by the student (work, examinations, practical training, etc.) from him(s).
  4. Under no circumstances may the applicant student be subject to assessment tests.

The application of AC shall be addressed, through an application of the student/s, to the management body of the subject’s referral centre. This may be done in each evaluation period from the date of opening of minutes until fifteen working days after the closing of delivery of the same.


Evaluation by compensation committee

Consult the composition