Basic Competence 1 (CB1):
Students should show they have acquired and understood the knowledge in a field of study underpinned by general secondary education and which is usually at a level which-while drawing on advanced text books-also includes certain aspects that imply being familiar with the cutting edge of this field of study.
Basic Competence 2 (CB2):
Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired to their work or vocation in a professional manner, and should have the skills normally demonstrated through the ability to develop and defends points of view and to solve problems related to their field of study.
Basic Competence 3 (CB3):
Students should be able to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements that include a reflection on the relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
Basic Competence 4 (CB4):
Students should be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Basic Competence 5 (CB5):
Students should have developed the necessary learning skills in order to continue studying with a high level of autonomy.
General Competence 1 (CG1):
Ability to design, develop and manage in the field of Aerospace Engineering which, according to the knowledge achieved according to the established in the section 5 of the order CIN/308/2009, have the subject of aircraft and spacecraft, aerospace propulsion systems, aerospace materials, airport facilities, air navigation infrastructures, and any space, traffic, and air transportation management systems.
General Competence 2 (CG2):
Planning, drafting, directing and managing projects, calculations and manufacturing in the field of Aerospace Engineering which, according to the knowledge achieved according to the established in the section 5 of the order CIN/308/2009, have the subject of aircraft and spacecraft, aerospace propulsion systems, aerospace materials, airport facilities, air navigation infrastructures, and any space, traffic, and air transportation management systems.
General Competence 3 (CG3):
Installation, operation and maintenance in the field of Aerospace Engineering which, according to the knowledge achieved according to the established in the section 5 of the order CIN/308/2009, have the subject of aircraft and spacecraft, aerospace propulsion systems, aerospace materials, airport facilities, air navigation infrastructures, and any space, traffic, and air transportation management systems.
General Competence 4 (CG4):
Verification and certification in the field of Aerospace Engineering which, according to the knowledge achieved according to the established in the section 5 of the order CIN/308/2009, have the subject of aircraft and spacecraft, aerospace propulsion systems, aerospace materials, airport facilities, air navigation infrastructures, and any space, traffic, and air transportation management systems.
General Competence 5 (CG5):
Ability to carry out protection, technical direction, valuation, report and opinion drafting, and technical counselling activities in tasks related to the Aerospace Engineering, according to the duties and the positions of aerospace technicians.
General Competence 6 (CG6):
Ability to take part in in-flight testing programmes to collect data on the take-off distances, ascent speeds, loss rates, manoeuvrability and landing capacities.
General Competence 7 (CG7):
Ability to analyse and value the social and environmental impact of the technical solutions.
General Competence 8 (CG8):
Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the legislation required during the exercise of the Aeronautical Technical Engineer profession.
Specific Competence 1 (CE1):
Ability to solve possible mathematical problems which can arise from the engineering exercise. Aptitude to apply knowledge on: linear algebra; geometry; differential geometry; differential and integral calculus; differential equations and partial derivatives; numerical methods; numerical algorithmic; statistics and optimisation.
Specific Competence 2 (CE2):
Understanding and mastering the basic concepts of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic fields and waves and its applications for engineering problems solving.
Specific Competence 3 (CE3):
Basic knowledge on computer use and programming, operative systems, data bases and software programmes with engineering applications.
Specific Competence 4 (CE4):
Ability to understand and apply basic knowledges in general chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry and its applications on engineering.
Specific Competence 5 (CE5):
Ability of spatial vision and knowledge on graphic representation techniques, both in traditional methods on metric and descriptive geometry and using the computer-aided design applications.
Specific Competence 6 (CE6):
Adequate knowledge of the concepts of business and company institutional and legal frames. Companies organisation and management.
Specific Competence 7 (CE7):
Understand the behaviour of structures under the services and extreme situations conditions requests.
Specific Competence 8 (CE8):
Understand the thermodynamic cycles generating mechanical power and force.
Specific Competence 9 (CE9):
Understand the whole of the air navigation system and the complexity of the air traffic.
Specific Competence 10 (CE10):
Understand how the aerodynamic forces determine the flight dynamics and the role of the different variables in the phenomenom of flight.
Specific Competence 11 (CE11):
Understand the technological features, the materials optimisation techniques and the modification of its features using treatments.
Specific Competence 12 (CE12):
Understand the manufacturing processes.
Specific Competence 13 (CE13):
Understand the singularity of infrastructures, construction and functioning of airports.
Specific Competence 14 (CE14):
Understand the air transportation system and its coordination with other means of transport.
Specific Competence 15 (CE15):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the mechanic principles of the continuum and the calculus techniques of its response.
Specific Competence 16 (CE16):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge on the concepts and laws governing the energy transfer processes, the movement of fluids, the heat transmission mechanisms and the change of matter and its role in the analyse of the main aerospace propulsion systems.
Specific Competence 17 (CE17):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge on the fundamental elements on different type of aircraft; on the functional elements of the air navigation systems and the associated electric and electronic installations; on the construction and design foundations for airports and their diverse elements.
Specific Competence 18 (CE18):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge on the fluid mechanics foundations; on the basic principles of flight control and automation; the main features and physical and mechanical properties of the materials.
Specific Competence 19 (CE19):
Applied knowledge of: materials science and technology; mechanics and thermodynamics; fluid mechanics; aerodynamics and flight mechanics; navigation and air traffic systems; aerospace technology; structures theory; air transportation; economy and manufacturing; projects; environmental impact.
Specific Competence 20 (CE20):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the fracture of the continuum mechanics and of the mechanical approaches, of fatigue of structural instability and of aeroelasticity.
Specific Competence 21 (CE21):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the foundations of sustainability, maintainability and operability of aircraft and spacecraft.
Specific Competence 22 (CE22):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the fluid mechanics foundations describing the flow of all the regimes, to determine the pressures and forces distribution on aircraft.
Specific Competence 23 (CE23):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the flight physical phenomena, their qualities and their control, the aerodynamic and propulsive forces, their actuations and stability.
Specific Competence 24 (CE24):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the aircraft systems and of the automatic flight control systems of the aircraft and spacecraft.
Specific Competence 25 (CE25):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of aeronautical design and project calculus; of the aerodynamic experimentation use and the most significant parameters in theoretical application; of the management of the discipline experimental techniques, equipment and measuring instruments; of the simulation, design, analysis and interpretation of experimentation and flight operations; of the aircraft maintenance and certification systems.
Specific Competence 26 (CE26):
Applied knowledge of: aerodynamics; mechanics and thermodynamics; flight mechanisms, fixed and rotatory aircraft engineering, structures theory.
Specific Competence 27 (CE27):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the foundations of sustainability, maintainability and operability of space systems.
Specific Competence 28 (CE28):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the fluid mechanics foundations describing the flow of all the regimes and determine the pressure distribution and the aerodynamics forces.
Specific Competence 29 (CE29):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the concepts and laws governing the internal combustion, and its application to the rocket propulsion.
Specific Competence 30 (CE30):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the technological features, the optimisation techniques of the materials used in the aerospace sector and of the treatment processes to modify its mechanical properties.
Specific Competence 31 (CE31):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the flight physical phenomena of the defence air systems, their qualities and their control, their actuations and stability and the autonomous control systems.
Specific Competence 32 (CE32):
Applied to engineering adequate knowledge of the calculus and defence materials and systems methods; the management of experimental techniques, equipment and measuring instruments of the discipline; the numeric simulation of the more significant physical and mathematical processes; the inspection, quality control and mistakes detection techniques; the most adequate methods and techniques.
Specific Competence 33 (CE33):
Applied knowledge of: aerodynamics; flight mechanics, air defence engineering (ballistic, missiles and air systems), spacecraft propulsion, materials science and technology, structures theory.
Specific Competence 34 (CE34):
Original assessment to be performed individually and present and defend it before a university examining board, consisting on a professional project in the field of specific technologies of Aerospace Engineering which synthesize and integrate the competences acquired during the studies.
Transversal Competence 1 (CT1):
Ability to analyse, organise and plan.
Transversal Competence 2 (CT2):
Leadership and entrepreneurship.
Transversal Competence 3 (CT3):
Oral and written communication skills in the mother tongue.
Transversal Competence 4 (CT4):
Autonomous learning and information management skills.
Transversal Competence 5 (CT5):
Ability to solve problems and make decisions.
Transversal Competence 6 (CT6):
Interpersonal communication skills.
Transversal Competence 7 (CT7):
Adaptability to new situations using creativity and innovation.
Transversal Competence 8 (CT8):
Critical and self-critical reasoning skills.
Transversal Competence 9 (CT9):
Interdisciplinary teamwork skills.
Transversal Competence 10 (CT10):
Ability to deal and act in conflict and negotiation situations.
Transversal Competence 11 (CT11):
To be motivated by quality being sensitive in the field of studies.
Transversal Competence 12 (CT12):
Ethical and democratic commitment.
Transversal Competence 13 (CT13):
Sustainability and environmental commitment. Equitable, responsible and efficient use of resources.