Entry profile

University graduate students in scientific or technological disciplines who are willing to orient their professional career towards companies or public administrations interested in unmanned aircraft systems. The areas of interest of this group could be directed to operations or to systems engineering.

Taking this into account, the recommended entry profile for the Master’s Degree in Operations and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering includes graduated students in the following SUG degrees:

Speciality: Unmanned Aircraft Systems Engineering (UVigo)

  • Graduated in Aerospace Engineering
  • Graduated in Industrial Engineering
  • Graduated in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering
  • Graduated in Computer Engineering
  • Graduated in Physics
  • Graduated in Mathematics
  • Graduated in Energy Engineering

Speciality: Applications in Land Resource Management (USC)

  • Graduated in Forestry Engineering
  • Graduated in Agricultural Engineering
  • Graduated in Geomatic and Topography Engineering
  • Graduated in Civil Engineering
  • Graduated in Mining Engineering


Entry Requirements

As described in the Royal Decree 1393/2017, which establishes the arrangements for official university teaching, to access the official Master’s Degrees it will be necessary to have an official Spanish Bachelor’s Degree or other issued by another higher education institution belonging to other State in the European Higher Education Area which enables to access the Master’s Degrees.

Similarly, students graduated in educative system outside the European Higher Education Area that do not need ratification, after the University has verified that this degree accredits an educational level equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and which gives access to the Master’s Degrees in the country where it was issued. The access by this mean of admission does not imply, in any case, nor the official recognition of student’s previous degrees nor its recognition for other purposes than undertaking master’s degrees.


Admission criteria

The admission criteria of the degree are defined by the Academic Committee, which evaluate the suitability of the pre-enroled candidates using the following scale:

  • Preference of the recommended entry profile degrees
  • Average mark of the academic record entry degrees (80%).
  • Proved professional experience in the field (20%)