Designation of the Degree: Master’s Degree in Unmanned Aircraft Systems
RUCT Code: 4317743
Branch of knowledge: Engineering and Architecture
Regulated Profession: There are not any
Number of ECTS: 60
Type of education: classroom education
Number of entry-level places: 24 (12 UVigo)
Languages of the Degree: Spanish and Galician
Permanence Regulation: UVigo Regulation
Implementation Year: 2021/2022
Verification Date: 24/05/2021
Authorization date: 08/07/2021 DOG 16/07/2021
Approval Date: 06/10/2021 BOE 22/10/2021
Study Plan Publication: 27/12/2021 BOE 17/01/2022
Degree Coordination Higinio González Jorge
Responsible of the Degree: Tomás Serafín Cuesta García
Teaching centre: School of Aeronautical and Space Engineering
Campus of Ourense
Higher Polytechnic School
Campus of Santiago
Degree Report: Current Report